Felix Chevrolet the Happy Cat Mens Hoodie.
Enjoy our selection of hoodies! This hoodie is stylish, warm and comfortable.
Felix Chevrolet is arguably the most historical Chevrolet Dealership in the World. We are ( with 102 years of help from our customers ) THE...
- Oldest Chevy Dealership West of the Mississippi River, est.1921
- 2nd Oldest Chevy Dealership in the USA
- Oldest Dealership in Los Angeles
- Our 3 sided Felix The Cat sign (Landmark) is the Largest Automotive Neon/LED Sign on any roof in California, built in 1958.
- All items are made and shipped with love and PRIDE to our customers all over the USA
- All orders are stocked at and shipped from the Dealership by our staff who like you, WE LOVE FELIX!!!
Thank you for shopping with us!